We are electromagnetic beings. Our cells need the energy to survive. NO energy means no heat meaning no life in the cell eventual leads to death. Understanding matter.
1500ad Paracelsus medical doctor that invited the mercury cure for syphilis. The cure was worse than the disease itself. He did healing with magnets or load stone and passed it over a persons body. What that did was stimulate the healing process. Many people were cured by this process.
1600 ad Valentine Braithwait from Ireland used hands on healing. He would literally place his hands on them and sweeping his hands across their body. Making magnetic passes over their body. They called him, The Great Irish stroker.
1725 Father Maximilian Hell was using magnet to heal people. One of his students was Franz Anton Mesmer.
Franz Anton Mesmer - He study with Father Maximilian. In that time period one of the major intervention medicine was blood-letting. What Mesmer did was perform the blood-letting and then as he was done we take out his magnet and make passes over the blood-letting spot. The bleeding would actually would stop. One day after letting his patient bleed, he couldn’t find his magnets. He grabbed a stick and waved it across the bleeding and the bleeding stopped. The mere suggestion of passing the magnets over the patient bleeding were non-verbal suggestions that caused trance to occur and caused the bleeding to stop. What we know today is that all healing take place at the unconscious level. Mesmer made a fatal error at this point. He said it is not the magnet energy that causes the bleeding to stop. It is the magnetic energy that comes from me. He called this process animal magnetism. The problem was that science was looking for the magnetism. The ability to measure in those days was not very precise.
He had a very very successful practice. Anyone who was anyone saw Mesmer back in those days for one of his magnetic cures. He became too successful and some medical doctors didn’t like it and used words and claimed he was a fraud. Mesmer made another fatal error. He asked the French King for a board of inquiry. The inquiry was to find out if animal magnetism existed or not. There was three well known people on that board. Lavoisier a chemist, Joseph Guillotin a medial doctor an expert in pain control and Benjamin Franklin. Ben says as the majority opinion this fellow Mesmer is not flowing anything from his hands that I can See. Therefore this mesmerism must be a fraud. Mesmer was discredited and left Paris.
From that moment approximately1795 until approximately 1985, Energy was left out of the equation for Western Medicine and Western physcology.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Hands on Healing.
What we do know about hands on healing is that everything carries frequencies and different waves of energy and this world is made up of polarities. We are electromagnetic beings. If you put a north pole against a south pole, then you get it to magnetize together. If you put the opposites together then you feel a repelling frequency. When a person places their healthy frequency next to someone else then entrainment takes place. Which literally is like a cable. It jump starts your innate healing process. When energy is directed into the body, it affects matter on a subatomic or quantum level and works its way up through the cells, nerves and muscle tissue of the body. The innate body intelligence does the work.Example: Practitioners do not have to know where bones need to move, any more than we need to understand how our stomach digests food. The person's innate body intelligence directs the healing.
Example: If you were to put one hand on a place and your other hand in another you would be like a jumper cable. Because each part would then begin to connect up. Depending on how chronic the pattern is will depend on how long a session is as well as how many sessions will it take for the connection to stay. Another form of jumper cabling is through resonant entrainment.
Resonant entrainment - Principles.
Universal life force energy- there are about 76 words that describes life force energy from different cultures and places. Life force energy is the animating current of life. It is always there. It is what keeps us alive.
Resonant and entrainment – When two things Vibrating at different frequencies 3 things will occur. Either the lower frequency will rise up to match the higher frequency, or the higher frequency will come down or both will meet in the middle. The Quantum Touch practitioner learns to hold the frequency at a very high vibration through breathing and body awareness exercises. The person you are working on will gradually entrains or matches the vibration of the practitioner. Grandfather Clocks in the room, people sitting close to each other their breathing will become rhythmatically together. Women and their menstrual cycle. The practitioner never becomes drained because they have learned to hold that vibration at a high level. You become more energized.
Body Intelligence. We hold the high frequency and we give the persons body intelligence the chance to come up and decide what it needs therefore healing itself. We pride ourselves in being intelligence people and we want to outsmart life. We study so hard and control and manipulate and use force to make things happen. Ultimately we can’t outsmart life. Our body has hundreds of functions to keep us alive. How many people can name them all? Who can do them all consciously? We have about 100 trillion cells and each one of these cells have over a 1000 things happening in a day. We can’t keep track of that consciously. Who would want to concentrate on keep our heart beating, all our organs to function and work together all the time especially while we are asleep?
We have enough DNA in our body. If we were to unwind it all, there is about a yard of DNA in every cell. And if you multiply a 100 trillion times a 1-yard it would about 200 round trips to the sun with all the DNA in the body. The medical profession has this idea that if we try to poison the disease and hope the disease dies before the patient rather than raising the life force energy of the person and letting their body intelligence to take over providing the best nutrition the best emotional balance and life style and the life force energy to raise the vibration. Trust the process and just the body to do what it needs to heal the surface. During the release the process you may have pain or emotions might come to the surface. We trust it all because it is all part of the releasing process.
In order for consciousness to effect matter that has to happen at a quantum or subatomic level. You can’t effect cells, organs, and bones. You effect the stuff that make up the cells, organs and bones. Subatomic is that level beneath the atomic level. They are not particles they are calling them energy packets. They have no mass. They don’t weigh anything. Why does anything weigh anything if the stuff that makes it up has no mass.
What we took for granted as solid matter, thought to be up of “billiard ball” atoms, is – according to quantum physicists is simply 99.9999% empty space filled with energy.
The cell is so smart that even if you have damage dna in a cell even when you are still alive. The cell heals the dna damage.Energy follows thought. Where you put your awareness is where the Universal life force energy will go.
Example: If you were to put one hand on a place and your other hand in another you would be like a jumper cable. Because each part would then begin to connect up. Depending on how chronic the pattern is will depend on how long a session is as well as how many sessions will it take for the connection to stay. Another form of jumper cabling is through resonant entrainment.
Resonant entrainment - Principles.
Universal life force energy- there are about 76 words that describes life force energy from different cultures and places. Life force energy is the animating current of life. It is always there. It is what keeps us alive.
Resonant and entrainment – When two things Vibrating at different frequencies 3 things will occur. Either the lower frequency will rise up to match the higher frequency, or the higher frequency will come down or both will meet in the middle. The Quantum Touch practitioner learns to hold the frequency at a very high vibration through breathing and body awareness exercises. The person you are working on will gradually entrains or matches the vibration of the practitioner. Grandfather Clocks in the room, people sitting close to each other their breathing will become rhythmatically together. Women and their menstrual cycle. The practitioner never becomes drained because they have learned to hold that vibration at a high level. You become more energized.
Body Intelligence. We hold the high frequency and we give the persons body intelligence the chance to come up and decide what it needs therefore healing itself. We pride ourselves in being intelligence people and we want to outsmart life. We study so hard and control and manipulate and use force to make things happen. Ultimately we can’t outsmart life. Our body has hundreds of functions to keep us alive. How many people can name them all? Who can do them all consciously? We have about 100 trillion cells and each one of these cells have over a 1000 things happening in a day. We can’t keep track of that consciously. Who would want to concentrate on keep our heart beating, all our organs to function and work together all the time especially while we are asleep?
We have enough DNA in our body. If we were to unwind it all, there is about a yard of DNA in every cell. And if you multiply a 100 trillion times a 1-yard it would about 200 round trips to the sun with all the DNA in the body. The medical profession has this idea that if we try to poison the disease and hope the disease dies before the patient rather than raising the life force energy of the person and letting their body intelligence to take over providing the best nutrition the best emotional balance and life style and the life force energy to raise the vibration. Trust the process and just the body to do what it needs to heal the surface. During the release the process you may have pain or emotions might come to the surface. We trust it all because it is all part of the releasing process.
In order for consciousness to effect matter that has to happen at a quantum or subatomic level. You can’t effect cells, organs, and bones. You effect the stuff that make up the cells, organs and bones. Subatomic is that level beneath the atomic level. They are not particles they are calling them energy packets. They have no mass. They don’t weigh anything. Why does anything weigh anything if the stuff that makes it up has no mass.
What we took for granted as solid matter, thought to be up of “billiard ball” atoms, is – according to quantum physicists is simply 99.9999% empty space filled with energy.
The cell is so smart that even if you have damage dna in a cell even when you are still alive. The cell heals the dna damage.Energy follows thought. Where you put your awareness is where the Universal life force energy will go.
Who am I part 3
My ego had took offense to the man who had walked in the store and asked me those questions. I don’t know his side of the story of why he came in and asked me those questions. Those question and his story could have been very innocent. I do know that I projected him to show up and challenge me. My subconscious mind brought up all those limited decisions and emotions that were causing me to lose energy. I projected that scenario out before me to see if I will heal all of those old limited negative programs and let the “I” in me use the tools to heal it and regain my personal power back. Or I will use the Ego and deal with the situation by stuffing the emotions and feelings and experiences back down deeper inside me (deal with it.) I decided if I am going to go through this challenge or adventure then I only want to have to do it once. I am using my tools to heal this particular paradigm pattern. I charted how I projected that man to show up and interpreted the signs. I could see many different limited decisions and emotions that I had laid out before me.
One of my jobs is to teach you how to take a situation and/or a person and learn how to read how it shows up. After you read the signs then I present different healing tools to help you heal from it. Why? I ask why suffer?
So who am I? I am not just a mother, wife, healer, friend, house cleaner, money manager, storeowner, I am not my kids, or my house and etc. Everyday those things don’t identify me as much as they are a function that I participate in. I choose each part and do my best to master them instead of fight or resist them or let them control me. I do see myself as a spiritual being having an adventurous human experience.
I choose the following labels:
Metaphysics – a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature ofreality and being.Epistemology – study of knowledge or how we know what we know.
Monotheist - a believer in one deity or the oneness of deity.
Agape – to be wide open, being in the state of wonder, love
Spiritualist - the view that spirit is a prime element of reality.
I walk with Spirit every chance I get; I am a creating a new habit to walk my talk as much as possible. When I help people, I don’t jam religion down their throats and tell them that this is the only way they can heal. It doesn’t matter what religion you are or don’t have one at all. I see you as a spirit that wants to resolve to evolve on any level. If a person wants out of that state of suffering, I feel that I can witness to them about how my life has changed because I have used tools to heal from suffering. I throw it out there that they have a choice and can choose again. Believe it or not…not everyone wants to change. The sleep state is still among people. They think life is that way and then you die. They don’t see it as they can or want to heal it. Nor does anyone have to at all. I respect where you want to be and who you want to be. Some people still don’t want the suffering but if that is the only identity they have then change is too scary.
Why is it important to me to let you know me? If I don’t say anything then what is a person to do except to assume. So I have become unafraid and I will declare my beliefs out loud for the world to hear. I want to get to know you. I want to reach out to people. I give you definitions to my words because everyone has a different definition. There is the Universe definition but we trust and stick to our personal definitions. I know I am responsible for how you show up to me and how I show up to the world. I am the creator of my Universe and Spirit is the reality that I follow. Which means what? I am awakened that I am the “I” and the “ego” is the counter part. The counterpart is negative and believes it is in charge all the time. (more on the ego later) I believe that suffering is an option so I anchor my life in Giving HOPE now.
Deity - one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful, the rank or essential nature of a god, the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe
Assume- to take as granted or true. You created a picture based on your definitions about that person and when they don’t show up that way. You can make an ass\u\me. Translation – you can make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”
Evidence is the experiences we accumulate. We have enough evidence to show proof.
One of my jobs is to teach you how to take a situation and/or a person and learn how to read how it shows up. After you read the signs then I present different healing tools to help you heal from it. Why? I ask why suffer?
So who am I? I am not just a mother, wife, healer, friend, house cleaner, money manager, storeowner, I am not my kids, or my house and etc. Everyday those things don’t identify me as much as they are a function that I participate in. I choose each part and do my best to master them instead of fight or resist them or let them control me. I do see myself as a spiritual being having an adventurous human experience.
I choose the following labels:
Metaphysics – a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature ofreality and being.Epistemology – study of knowledge or how we know what we know.
Monotheist - a believer in one deity or the oneness of deity.
Agape – to be wide open, being in the state of wonder, love
Spiritualist - the view that spirit is a prime element of reality.
I walk with Spirit every chance I get; I am a creating a new habit to walk my talk as much as possible. When I help people, I don’t jam religion down their throats and tell them that this is the only way they can heal. It doesn’t matter what religion you are or don’t have one at all. I see you as a spirit that wants to resolve to evolve on any level. If a person wants out of that state of suffering, I feel that I can witness to them about how my life has changed because I have used tools to heal from suffering. I throw it out there that they have a choice and can choose again. Believe it or not…not everyone wants to change. The sleep state is still among people. They think life is that way and then you die. They don’t see it as they can or want to heal it. Nor does anyone have to at all. I respect where you want to be and who you want to be. Some people still don’t want the suffering but if that is the only identity they have then change is too scary.
Why is it important to me to let you know me? If I don’t say anything then what is a person to do except to assume. So I have become unafraid and I will declare my beliefs out loud for the world to hear. I want to get to know you. I want to reach out to people. I give you definitions to my words because everyone has a different definition. There is the Universe definition but we trust and stick to our personal definitions. I know I am responsible for how you show up to me and how I show up to the world. I am the creator of my Universe and Spirit is the reality that I follow. Which means what? I am awakened that I am the “I” and the “ego” is the counter part. The counterpart is negative and believes it is in charge all the time. (more on the ego later) I believe that suffering is an option so I anchor my life in Giving HOPE now.
Deity - one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful, the rank or essential nature of a god, the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe
Assume- to take as granted or true. You created a picture based on your definitions about that person and when they don’t show up that way. You can make an ass\u\me. Translation – you can make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”
Evidence is the experiences we accumulate. We have enough evidence to show proof.
Who am I part 2
I must clarify the bible verse Matthew 6:24, “You can’t serve two masters.” It is important to be awakened. Awakened to the positive. Awakened leads you to being whole, unity and oneness with God and humanity. To be asleep is to let the Ego run your life. To let the Ego be in charge of all your experiences and make your important decisions. We believe it is real and we breathed life into it because that is all we knew at the time to do. Anytime you are in the negative state and feel you are separate or have loss then you are seeing, feeling, hearing and believing through the “Me” the Ego state of mind. Which means you are serving the negative master. You are finding your value through the Ego.
Understand the two tracks. God is in the positive track and the Ego represents the negative track. It isn’t money or wealth that we are serving. It is the representation that we find false values when we are listening to the negative Ego. We look for things to complete us. If we are using the function (labels - money, title, mother, teacher) as our identity then we are falsely mistaking who we really are. We get lost in the Ego and become the ego.
The ego part of us looked outside of ourselves to create our identity. The ego wants to feel complete. It feels separated. It uses labels to create an identity and to find out if people are friend or foe. The ego creates scenarios because it believes that it is under attack. It believes that the world is an unsafe place and will go into the fight or flight response mode. It has to do with basic instinct to survive (which hasn’t evolved yet.) We have come along way from being exposed to the elements (cave man days) to the fast efficiencies of today. The outside is still a threat but now it is hard to determine what is the enemy. We don’t have to worry too much about animals attacking and harsh weather conditions. The ego has created different threats to deal with from stress at work, at home, everyday task, up to communicating with people in general. You constantly have to have your feelers out to make sure the territory that you claim is safe. Another reason is that we are taught as we grow up that it is about the outside of us that matters. From pleasing people, care what others think, be on your best behavior, someone is watching, and etc.
In order to find out what is safe or unsafe, we have to label people and situations and then put them on a scale from good to bad. I recently was sized up to a person’s belief. They came in the store and asked where is God in this? At first, I am thinking to myself, “Do you walk into every store and asked them that question before you buy?” Then he asked about me and what I do. Do I think that everything I do is a cure all? Then he goes on to how he is a religious man. My ego wanted to take offense to his questions. Why? Because my ego felt that it was being under attacked and went into defense mode. (Assumed he was judging me and was here to check me out to see if I am good or evil.) I fell for what my ego was saying and I quickly new that I was in the middle of a lesson. I knew that I had old programming here that needs to be resolved so I can evolve passed this. The ego was saying with proof that who I am and what I believe in is not accepted.
Thank goodness I know that there are many different perspectives to healing. The “I” in me wondered what nonsense of limited decisions and beliefs was I emotionally attached to. I could feel myself being sucked into the 40 thoughts per second of negative defensive condition ego thought pattern. I did my best to write the story down and label the feelings of emotions. Sometimes a feeling can’t be labeled but I certainly am able to see a clear picture that it is attached to. I can see, hear, and feel the evidence that the ego had collected throughout the years.
I felt that man or religion was here to either have to fix me, set me straight, save me, control me or get rid of me. My ego was prepared to fight back. You should have heard the words that was formulating in my head. It was ready to stand and fight this time. It started out by saying that just because I have a different opinion that is outside of your norm, then you all see me as a threat. The ego wanted to twist and turn the situation that just took place as a drama and it was assuming and judging. The feelings were all over the place.
Stay tuned for the rest of the story…
Understand the two tracks. God is in the positive track and the Ego represents the negative track. It isn’t money or wealth that we are serving. It is the representation that we find false values when we are listening to the negative Ego. We look for things to complete us. If we are using the function (labels - money, title, mother, teacher) as our identity then we are falsely mistaking who we really are. We get lost in the Ego and become the ego.
The ego part of us looked outside of ourselves to create our identity. The ego wants to feel complete. It feels separated. It uses labels to create an identity and to find out if people are friend or foe. The ego creates scenarios because it believes that it is under attack. It believes that the world is an unsafe place and will go into the fight or flight response mode. It has to do with basic instinct to survive (which hasn’t evolved yet.) We have come along way from being exposed to the elements (cave man days) to the fast efficiencies of today. The outside is still a threat but now it is hard to determine what is the enemy. We don’t have to worry too much about animals attacking and harsh weather conditions. The ego has created different threats to deal with from stress at work, at home, everyday task, up to communicating with people in general. You constantly have to have your feelers out to make sure the territory that you claim is safe. Another reason is that we are taught as we grow up that it is about the outside of us that matters. From pleasing people, care what others think, be on your best behavior, someone is watching, and etc.
In order to find out what is safe or unsafe, we have to label people and situations and then put them on a scale from good to bad. I recently was sized up to a person’s belief. They came in the store and asked where is God in this? At first, I am thinking to myself, “Do you walk into every store and asked them that question before you buy?” Then he asked about me and what I do. Do I think that everything I do is a cure all? Then he goes on to how he is a religious man. My ego wanted to take offense to his questions. Why? Because my ego felt that it was being under attacked and went into defense mode. (Assumed he was judging me and was here to check me out to see if I am good or evil.) I fell for what my ego was saying and I quickly new that I was in the middle of a lesson. I knew that I had old programming here that needs to be resolved so I can evolve passed this. The ego was saying with proof that who I am and what I believe in is not accepted.
Thank goodness I know that there are many different perspectives to healing. The “I” in me wondered what nonsense of limited decisions and beliefs was I emotionally attached to. I could feel myself being sucked into the 40 thoughts per second of negative defensive condition ego thought pattern. I did my best to write the story down and label the feelings of emotions. Sometimes a feeling can’t be labeled but I certainly am able to see a clear picture that it is attached to. I can see, hear, and feel the evidence that the ego had collected throughout the years.
I felt that man or religion was here to either have to fix me, set me straight, save me, control me or get rid of me. My ego was prepared to fight back. You should have heard the words that was formulating in my head. It was ready to stand and fight this time. It started out by saying that just because I have a different opinion that is outside of your norm, then you all see me as a threat. The ego wanted to twist and turn the situation that just took place as a drama and it was assuming and judging. The feelings were all over the place.
Stay tuned for the rest of the story…
Who am I part 1
What I do for a living to help others and myself is my purpose and path. I walk my talk everyday. I do my best to stay awaken in the Now. And be the “I am that, I am.” I am resolving to evolve. The biblical phrase Matthew 6:24 “"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” The meaning was revealed to me through mediation (mediation means to shut up and listen knowing you have the answer you seek, already. So pray effectively.) To stay true to one master. The definition of wealth came through as it is energy but what does wealth represent? It represent your value. Well who is in charge of my value. If is the "Me" part which is Ego. Then it is false value. (ego beliefs-We come here to find things that complete us – Spiritual self is to awaken and remember we are already complete and not separated.) I learned there are only two tracks in life. One is love and the other is fear. Love operates in the polarity of the positive. And Fear operates in the polarity of the negative. Each state is important. There is me the “I” and then there is me and myself, which really stands for me and my story which is operated by the tool the Ego. To the “I” in me it is very important and that is the Spiritual self “the Christ in me.”
So who am I? I am a spiritual being having a human experience that is awakened to understand the journey that I am on. Before I was asleep, I call that the walking dead. I walked through life dead to the true me “I”. I did what I had to do to survive. I did what I had to do to exist or live each day. I put up with people, dramas, experiences and situations because I thought I had too. I went to school because that is part of life. I went to work because that was the next logical grown up thing to do. I let my career choose me at the time. I made decisions based on what I saw around me to suit others and I kept suffering and denying myself.
I love to be awakened. It is a fun wondrous journey and I watch how the old ego self past history dictates and controls my future and is always wanting out of the now. I like to use the tools (I will be explaining later) I have each day to heal instead of deal. (I will explain later) I can begin to create the future I want by choosing again. I believe that suffering is an option so I anchor my life in Giving HOPE now.
So who am I? I am a spiritual being having a human experience that is awakened to understand the journey that I am on. Before I was asleep, I call that the walking dead. I walked through life dead to the true me “I”. I did what I had to do to survive. I did what I had to do to exist or live each day. I put up with people, dramas, experiences and situations because I thought I had too. I went to school because that is part of life. I went to work because that was the next logical grown up thing to do. I let my career choose me at the time. I made decisions based on what I saw around me to suit others and I kept suffering and denying myself.
I love to be awakened. It is a fun wondrous journey and I watch how the old ego self past history dictates and controls my future and is always wanting out of the now. I like to use the tools (I will be explaining later) I have each day to heal instead of deal. (I will explain later) I can begin to create the future I want by choosing again. I believe that suffering is an option so I anchor my life in Giving HOPE now.
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