Friday, January 9, 2009

Hands on Healing.

What we do know about hands on healing is that everything carries frequencies and different waves of energy and this world is made up of polarities. We are electromagnetic beings. If you put a north pole against a south pole, then you get it to magnetize together. If you put the opposites together then you feel a repelling frequency. When a person places their healthy frequency next to someone else then entrainment takes place. Which literally is like a cable. It jump starts your innate healing process. When energy is directed into the body, it affects matter on a subatomic or quantum level and works its way up through the cells, nerves and muscle tissue of the body. The innate body intelligence does the work.Example: Practitioners do not have to know where bones need to move, any more than we need to understand how our stomach digests food. The person's innate body intelligence directs the healing.

Example: If you were to put one hand on a place and your other hand in another you would be like a jumper cable. Because each part would then begin to connect up. Depending on how chronic the pattern is will depend on how long a session is as well as how many sessions will it take for the connection to stay. Another form of jumper cabling is through resonant entrainment.

Resonant entrainment - Principles.

Universal life force energy- there are about 76 words that describes life force energy from different cultures and places. Life force energy is the animating current of life. It is always there. It is what keeps us alive.

Resonant and entrainment – When two things Vibrating at different frequencies 3 things will occur. Either the lower frequency will rise up to match the higher frequency, or the higher frequency will come down or both will meet in the middle. The Quantum Touch practitioner learns to hold the frequency at a very high vibration through breathing and body awareness exercises. The person you are working on will gradually entrains or matches the vibration of the practitioner. Grandfather Clocks in the room, people sitting close to each other their breathing will become rhythmatically together. Women and their menstrual cycle. The practitioner never becomes drained because they have learned to hold that vibration at a high level. You become more energized.

Body Intelligence. We hold the high frequency and we give the persons body intelligence the chance to come up and decide what it needs therefore healing itself. We pride ourselves in being intelligence people and we want to outsmart life. We study so hard and control and manipulate and use force to make things happen. Ultimately we can’t outsmart life. Our body has hundreds of functions to keep us alive. How many people can name them all? Who can do them all consciously? We have about 100 trillion cells and each one of these cells have over a 1000 things happening in a day. We can’t keep track of that consciously. Who would want to concentrate on keep our heart beating, all our organs to function and work together all the time especially while we are asleep?

We have enough DNA in our body. If we were to unwind it all, there is about a yard of DNA in every cell. And if you multiply a 100 trillion times a 1-yard it would about 200 round trips to the sun with all the DNA in the body. The medical profession has this idea that if we try to poison the disease and hope the disease dies before the patient rather than raising the life force energy of the person and letting their body intelligence to take over providing the best nutrition the best emotional balance and life style and the life force energy to raise the vibration. Trust the process and just the body to do what it needs to heal the surface. During the release the process you may have pain or emotions might come to the surface. We trust it all because it is all part of the releasing process.

In order for consciousness to effect matter that has to happen at a quantum or subatomic level. You can’t effect cells, organs, and bones. You effect the stuff that make up the cells, organs and bones. Subatomic is that level beneath the atomic level. They are not particles they are calling them energy packets. They have no mass. They don’t weigh anything. Why does anything weigh anything if the stuff that makes it up has no mass.

What we took for granted as solid matter, thought to be up of “billiard ball” atoms, is – according to quantum physicists is simply 99.9999% empty space filled with energy.

The cell is so smart that even if you have damage dna in a cell even when you are still alive. The cell heals the dna damage.Energy follows thought. Where you put your awareness is where the Universal life force energy will go.

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