Friday, January 9, 2009

Who am I part 3

My ego had took offense to the man who had walked in the store and asked me those questions. I don’t know his side of the story of why he came in and asked me those questions. Those question and his story could have been very innocent. I do know that I projected him to show up and challenge me. My subconscious mind brought up all those limited decisions and emotions that were causing me to lose energy. I projected that scenario out before me to see if I will heal all of those old limited negative programs and let the “I” in me use the tools to heal it and regain my personal power back. Or I will use the Ego and deal with the situation by stuffing the emotions and feelings and experiences back down deeper inside me (deal with it.) I decided if I am going to go through this challenge or adventure then I only want to have to do it once. I am using my tools to heal this particular paradigm pattern. I charted how I projected that man to show up and interpreted the signs. I could see many different limited decisions and emotions that I had laid out before me.

One of my jobs is to teach you how to take a situation and/or a person and learn how to read how it shows up. After you read the signs then I present different healing tools to help you heal from it. Why? I ask why suffer?

So who am I? I am not just a mother, wife, healer, friend, house cleaner, money manager, storeowner, I am not my kids, or my house and etc. Everyday those things don’t identify me as much as they are a function that I participate in. I choose each part and do my best to master them instead of fight or resist them or let them control me. I do see myself as a spiritual being having an adventurous human experience.

I choose the following labels:

Metaphysics – a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature ofreality and being.Epistemology – study of knowledge or how we know what we know.
Monotheist - a believer in one deity or the oneness of deity.
Agape – to be wide open, being in the state of wonder, love
Spiritualist - the view that spirit is a prime element of reality.

I walk with Spirit every chance I get; I am a creating a new habit to walk my talk as much as possible. When I help people, I don’t jam religion down their throats and tell them that this is the only way they can heal. It doesn’t matter what religion you are or don’t have one at all. I see you as a spirit that wants to resolve to evolve on any level. If a person wants out of that state of suffering, I feel that I can witness to them about how my life has changed because I have used tools to heal from suffering. I throw it out there that they have a choice and can choose again. Believe it or not…not everyone wants to change. The sleep state is still among people. They think life is that way and then you die. They don’t see it as they can or want to heal it. Nor does anyone have to at all. I respect where you want to be and who you want to be. Some people still don’t want the suffering but if that is the only identity they have then change is too scary.

Why is it important to me to let you know me? If I don’t say anything then what is a person to do except to assume. So I have become unafraid and I will declare my beliefs out loud for the world to hear. I want to get to know you. I want to reach out to people. I give you definitions to my words because everyone has a different definition. There is the Universe definition but we trust and stick to our personal definitions. I know I am responsible for how you show up to me and how I show up to the world. I am the creator of my Universe and Spirit is the reality that I follow. Which means what? I am awakened that I am the “I” and the “ego” is the counter part. The counterpart is negative and believes it is in charge all the time. (more on the ego later) I believe that suffering is an option so I anchor my life in Giving HOPE now.


Deity - one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful, the rank or essential nature of a god, the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe

Assume- to take as granted or true. You created a picture based on your definitions about that person and when they don’t show up that way. You can make an ass\u\me. Translation – you can make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”

Evidence is the experiences we accumulate. We have enough evidence to show proof.

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